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Join our advertising partnership!

Support the theatre you love and share your business with thousands of passionate Sarasota cultural arts patrons by becoming an Advertising Partner. Your digital ad will be projected live in our pre-show digital program, will be featured on the mobile and web versions of the program, and will be listed on the corporate sponsor section of our webpage. Start at any time.

Limited positions available.

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Full Season: $1200 donation
Patron reach: 145+ performances for over 10,000 patrons.
Change your artwork seasonally or play one ad for the entire year. Begin at any point in the season and get one full calendar year of sponsorship.


One production: $350 donation
Patron Reach: As many as 41 performances to 2500+ patrons
Start at any time! 

Contact: or 941.321.1397

Write "Advertising Partnership" in the subject line or mention

when you call.

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